Are you guys okay? Should I request a wellness check?
Janis Perkons
What is wellnes chech! Its like responsibility law..!??
The Squishy
Janis Perkons: Ha no. It's when you send police to their location to make sure they are still alive. My son and I have won in the past but we have to fight for the winnings every time. Paid up eventually but this time, it's taking forever. Hannon sent me an email saying I will get the code but nothing was emailed. Checked the spam folder as well. I have a few other friends that haven't been paid but they don't speak up like I do. I know it's just $10 but a win is a win and I'll keep bugging them until they pay up.
The Squishy
Oh and notice they are no longer doing the daily $10? They must be hurting.
Janis Perkons
The Squishy: yes but past giveaways they have to pay anyway!!! When I get them if I get them, I’m out from that cheater club firstblood! Thats sick... if U need asking your prizes!
Janis Perkons
Mate U are not only one, im waiting for 6x10$ cards!!